Bo Big Red(necks)!
The recent spate of ass-whippings that the University of Nebraska at Lincoln has received at the hands of their
opponents is part of a curse that I put on former coach Tom Osborne after his
racist reaction to a proposal I submitted. Let me explain to you what took
place, the gist of the curse and why my "Go Big Red (Ne) concept is one
that is long overdue.
Last year on my hit cable TV show, "North Omaha Focus," I read a proposal that I had sent to Dr. Tom Osborne, then the coach of the UNL Cornhuskers. In that proposal I made it clear that he and his coaches bring in young black kids because they know they can't compete with crackers at the skill positions.
They tried, They know it won't work. I then suggested that an "annex" be set up in
In that proposal, and at a conference later that year, I told him that I knew that the ""Husker Hostesses" were really nothing but prostitutess. If you take off the last six letters of their name, you have what they really are: Husker HO's!! Clad in mini skirts with asses bulging from working on the farm, I hypothesized that these black kids had never seen white girls with "back" before. .
When they get here,they are greeted by these sluts who latch onto them in the name of "showing them around." After they clean the sperm from their mouths, these white girls become their "girlfriends' and most of these brothers, being sick, ignorant and country, fall in love.
Remember Turner Gill. He married one from
I explained all this to Ozzie and suggested that he loan Triple One $500,000 to give these black athletes some alternatives. I sent a copy to him and one to Byrne, the athletic director.
Byrne responded first. He said he received the proposal and doubted the legalities and that they couldn't make such donations without the approval of the legislature. He thanked me and that was it. He also stated in his letter how much the football program cared about "Minorities" and so on. Yeah, right.
Ozzie's response came much later. He wrote that he got the proposal and blah blah blah. Toward the end of his letter his racism and vindictiveness came out. He said something like, "I'm surprised that you would write me asking for a favor when I heard that you referred to me as a New York Pimp."
First of all, I would explain both on my show and in another letter to this dry-mouthed cracker, I never said he was a
Secondly, I told him that I would never call him a "
Remember the last time they lost three games? It was in 1977, the same year that I arrived in
Go Big Red(neck) is an idea whose time has come. I sicken of seeing these sick young punks walking around
I don't want UNL to win anything until black people in
Not one minute before that. As long as black kids get the short end of the stick and are outnumbered by students from Japan, as is the case at UNO, no mercy for the Big Red. The only reason I'm cutting UNO's football team some slack is that they've got a black quarterback -- that's right -- Ed Thompson is black. I don't know if he's trying to "pass" for white or what, but I notice nobody says anything about it. So they've won a conference title and I'll cut them some slack so that this "brother" can get a shot at the pros.
But not the Big Red Necks. No siree. And the only time you'll hear
me yelling, "Go Big Red" is when the complete sentence reads as
follows: "Go [Straight to Hell] Big Red (Necks)!
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