Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Royalty, Race, Rancor ... and Reality

By: Matthew C. Stelly

           It’s all about race, y’all. When those other folks are running things, there is always some kind of racial hierarchy, and even if it’s a caste or class system, skin color nevertheless plays a role in the rankings. Check it out for yourself: white folks, for some reason, feel like they have to take how they claim to feel about themselves and then FORCE it on the rest of the world. And this is a key lesson in race relations that few of you will grasp, white or black. It ain’t no accident, it ain’t “just a few bad apples” and it ain’t “gettin’ better with the passage of time.”
          Simplistically put, “it is what it is.”
           That’s my answer to the thousands of people who have checked out my blog and their asinine question, “why do you always write about race”? I give them two reasons: (1) because I feel like it and (2) because you ain’t got the guts. If we can’t deal with the obvious reality (one that goes way beyond Trayvon Martin getting killed), then we’re always going to be in this rut. We protest and pray in public and the white man cracks up as we give him the power to believe that our fate lies in HIS hands. Instead of “taking” the justice we want, we pray that it will happen.
         And, in acting like the “elites” they are (mentally if not financially), these people in power continue to screw the American public under the guise of “Congress” and nobody does anything. Then, after they’ve evicted people, arrested people, harassed people and segregated them, these “royals” have the nerve to have “Stand Your Ground” laws.
         Let’s look at the issues of royalty and race, and what’s taking place with America’s cousins across the sea, the ones that dominate the House of Windsor. And just look at what we find.
Get this: there is such a thing as a “royal baby.” Royal baby? As we used to say in the ‘hood, “Ain’t that a bitch?” Here we go again with another strain of white supremacy that’s based on a lineage that is oppressive, ethnocentric and arrogant. Is there a “royal puppy” running around the mansion? Are there “royal kitty cats”? Is the “royal garbage” picked up by trashmen who wear crowns? Who washes Kate’s “royal panties” and William’s “royal draws”? (both of which we’ve seen on television time and time again).
         And what makes this kid royalty? The answer is because he is “descended from royalty?” And what makes these white folks into royalty? It’s simple; it’s because they say so! I don’t quite understand all this House of Windsor stuff, but I know that the British Royal family can be connected not only by birth, but by marriage. What? So it’s not only about geneology, it’s about genetics: and one thing you can be on. Won’t be no Africans creeping into the family at any time soon. This is what I call “emotional eugenics”: their kids can hang out in Africa and learn “compassion” from people all over Asia and the Motherland, but there’s one caveat: No niggas!!
        I don’t really give a damn. I write this stuff to rebut the hundreds of times I hear about white folks “changing” and about how race relations are “getting better.” I look at things on the national and international stage and I don’t see it happening. Do you know that ABC pre-empted “General Hospital” so that it should show Kate carrying her child out of the front door of the British hospital? They usually reserve these pre-empts from politics, war or some major disaster. Of course, the concept of British Royalty, and from whence it came, is a combination of all three of these!
          There are  more people from England and Britain and Australia making money in Hollywood than there are black people born RIGHT HERE! Haven't you noticed? Watch "Jeopardy" sometimes: white geniuses know the exact date when King George took a crap, the middle name of some queen born a thousand years ago, the location of an obscure location anywhere in Europe and every important white holiday on earth. But let the question be about a black person from this country, and they go mum - almost every time the answer is "George Washington Carver!" is if he's the only black man that ever invented anything. 
         You think I’m making this up? The fact is I am observant and it seems like all the stuff that gets by you, flies over your head, is too complicated or that you just ignore, I inhale it. Did you see that? What the hell did he/she just say? They did WHAT to WHOM?  It's rough being a genius, especially one dedicated to a race of people who spend more time doing the hully-gully down church aisles and looking for a white man to adopt them than they do studying. 
         So the fact of the matter in the case of the House of Windsor is that I really don’t care who marries who. I’m just looking at all the problems in the world and how the entire week has been fixated on the so-called “Royal Family.” How did they get royal? Did they fight against people of color”? No. Just like the NBA white boys got “great” at a time when no blacks competed, that’s the way it is with these Brits, I guess. The British Constitution requires that the position of head of state be filled only by northern European Protestants. The British allow one family, the Windsors, the exclusive right to represent them.
          I wish our people would practice that. Instead, you had some of the Caribbean countries electing white Prime Ministers. You have people like Leopold Senghor, the so-called “father of Negritude,” marrying out of the race. And all over the world when you go to some international affair, in walk these men of color with some white woman on their arm. In this day and age if you’re black and you’re married to a black woman (aka the beautiful Michelle Obama), you’re viewed as some kind of freak or retard.
         Now, from my relevant rant, we come back full circle to Kate Middleton and Prince William. Another spoiled brat raised by nannies and Kate’s mother, surrounded by butlers, valets and maids. This sounds like the way it was during enslavement when black women raised white children while white parents took all the credit. Again, we come full circle and have to understand one thing: there is nothing wrong with being ethnocentric and loving what your race looks like and represents. But there’s two things; (1) tell the truth about it and (2) stop stealing from and then turning around the killing off and exploiting those who are not like you. This is a basic lesson in race relations.
         What is “royalty”? According to Webster’s Dictionary, it’s “a royal status or power,” “persons of royal lineage,” “an elite class” or “regal character or bearing.” The Official Website of the British Monarchy tells us, “The House of Windsor came into being inn 1917, when the name was adopted as the British Royal Family’s official name by a proclamation of King George V, replacing the historic name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. It remains the family name of the current Royal Family.”
         So then why all the rancor and rigamarole? White supremacy comes in many colors. You can show pictures of Princess Di holding all the babies you want to, or show tapes of Paul Mooney fawning all over her in his standup, and you can show Prince William and Harry in Africa until the cows come home. Heinrich Himmler, the flunky for Adolpf Hitler, led the movement to protect animals and it was Himmler who led the effort to ban the hunting of animals. According to one soruce, the current animal welfare laws in Germany are modified versions of the laws introduced by the Nazis.
           Great. But how to we remember the Nazis? We remember them because of all the Jewish people that they slaughtered. They gassed and otherwise murdered millions of them. So who gives a shit if they had compassion for Pixie the Poodle or George the German Shephard? They killed humans! They were killers. And this also applies to people who want to visit and pose with black kids (including adopting them), skin and grin at places all over Africa, make movies about black people as if they really cared, and even donate to so-called “black groups.” It remains as Malcolm X taught long ago: “Of all our studies, history is best qualified to reward our research.”
         So folks, you take that royal baby and his mama and daddy, and then line them up beside the plethora of atrocities that Britain, to this day, afflicts on Black people and other persons of color. They discriminate against black people just like there cousins over here but with a major difference: their history is one where they accepted black people for the most part. But today it’s quite similar: racial profiling of young black males, black businesses in small number, and the same issues as here. However, black people can start talking and once those in power hear their accents, that is the only time they back off the assumption that these black people are “foreigners,” as they say.
         Promoting ethnocentrism by boasting about the birth of a child to two people who got where they are simply because they were white, seems to go a long way toward proving my point, does it not? Now, when Mandela DIES, there might be international attention, but while he rotted in prison – nada. We can’t expect oppressors to come clean and admit what they did. But at least be realistic and admit to some of what I’ve documented in this essay. You all know, just like I do, that there is nothing “royal” about the people who originated the enslavement of black people and, like the ones over here, claim, in Britney Spears-like fashion, “Ooops, I did it again.”

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