Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Johnny Manziel Issue: Personal and Political Perspectives

By: Matthew C. Stelly

          As an award-winning writer, I am first and foremost a thinker. I have been able to meet a great many people who most of you would regard as being “famous,” and as such, it is up to me to report on what I’ve seen, heard and discovered. Most of you are fans and idols of professional and college athletes and this is your choice. But since I’ve been on these campuses and have met a great many of these athletes (and wrote term papers for a number of them at the University of Nebraska and University of Iowa), I should share what I know so you can get up off your knees and see these people for what they are.

The claim that Johnny Manziel is worth all this hue and cry over his signing autographs and getting paid (or not) is a waste of time, energy and news space. But as usual, I take the situation and make it something that readers of this blog and young black people can learn something from. We learn about money, about corruption and racial bias in college sports and the NCAA, and we also learn a lot about Christians and how they think in the real world.

          Let the teaching begin.

Selling Autographs

          Selling autographs? This kid has been made into a hero by the sports machine. I’ve heard it said that he’s “the most exciting player in football, college and pro ranks” (Skip Bayliss). I’ve heard other statements about how he’s re-defined the game and to tell you, I haven’t seen it. At the writing of this blog I am in this hellhole called Dallas, Texas (more on that later) and I hear this crap day in and day out. Manziel is able to sell autographs because the sports machine here manufactures the status of its athletes, college and professional. Manziel is going to get DOGGED when and if he gets to the pros just like Nebraska’s quartebacks Eric Crouch and Scott Frost.

          Manziel claims he didn’t sell the autographs or never accepted money for them. Somebody did, and he was the one who signed the autums. Conclusion: guilt by association. The NCAA, in all of its stupidity and greed (old white men making decisions for young black and white men to follow) suspended Manziel, not for one game, but for ONE HALF. Amateurs are not supposed to accept favors and money they claim. When Dez Bryant had dinner with Deon Sanders (more on that later), he was suspended for TEN games. When Terrell Pryor sold his own football jersey to a booster for a funky thousands dollars, he got suspended for five games. Cam Newton’s daddy was fishing around for a college for his kid to go to and was selling the rights for $180,000. Suspended for one game although Cam claims he didn’t know. He did, however, end up going to Auburn. You do the math.

Mo’ Money, Mo’ Money, Mo’ Money

          Everybody’s getting paid off the backs of college athletes. And even some pros are in on it. For the most part, any African-American professional athlete that white folks adore and put the spotlight on, you can bet he’s a sellout on some level. This is true of Robert Griffin III (see my essay on “Rob Parker and RG III” elsewhere on this blog), Jose Cruz, Marcellus Wiley, to name but a few.

          Another one is so-called “Neon Deon Sanders.” Fronting as if he’s some kind of pastor or preacher, he answers his phone with “bless you” and talks about God when the conversation is over. But when I went to his home I saw someone bogged down in materialism. IT’s his money and his right. But he sits in this chair with “PT” emblazoned on the back, in red letters, and talks down to people as if they were his servants.

          I wrote three grants for Sanders and his so-called “Prime Time Academy,” some substandard school that he opened claiming he offered a computer to every child. But it was all about football, and from the outset, he sold both schools (one in Fort Worth, one in Dallas) to Under Armour Apparel. Sanders never paid me for the grants, but when I told his flunky R.L. Williams that I would sue, Williams called everybody but me screaming and crying like a scatter brained old bitch shouting, “He can’t sue me! He don’t even have an office!” What he doesn’t know is that when you are a genius with a track record and skill set like me, you don’t need an office: the necessary tools go with you wherever you go.

          One more thing. I told you how Dez Bryant got suspended when he had dinner with Sanders. Sanders knew that was possible and he knew what he was doing. He “counsels” these young people and gives them tips on how to kiss ass, but he’s not very sharp. He skins and grins for TV cameras and his wife, who he is divorcing, told the Dallas media that he was a “minstrel.” She ain’t never lied. Watch his telecasts and you’ll see a true bootlicker in action. I was only charging him $1,500 for the grants and his lackey… I mean “pastor,” Omar Jahwar, came back empty handed. They are, for the most part, two of a kind (more on that later).

These So-Called Christians

          Christians are giving religion a bad name on all fronts. I don’t subscribe to its tenets although I do believe that you can believe in a Supreme Being without being a Christian. The arrogance, bias and built in gender- and racial bias should make any clear thinking person want to stay home on Sundays. But that’s for you to deal with.

          Here’s my point: these people claiming to be Christians are all part of this controversy surrounding Manziel. The ones making the token decision, the coaches, the players and the people in the stand. To a man (and woman) they will all claim that they are Christians. This fact, in itself, should give you a good indication of what Christianity is all about. And it’s simple: do what you want to do during the week, but as long as that money keeps going into the collection plate, and you say enough “hail Mary’s” or repent, or confess or whatever the chore is, you will be given and can then move on to continue screwing up for another weak – all in the name of “de Lawd.”

          Back to “Pastor” Deon Sanders. He and people like Terrell Owens sit in these black mega-churches (one church allows Michael Irvin to sit on the stage) and then donate huge sums in their pretense that they are religious people. Scam artists, all. This is done all over the Lone Star State which thinks it’s a country in itself, so most of you don’t hear about this crap. The white man protects them because these guys do their bidding. Irvin was a crack head and a state patrolman pulled him over and a crack pipe rolled from under his seat. The cop believed Irvin when he told him that he was holding onto it for someone who was trying to kick the habit. If the guy is trying to quit, why are you holding his tools

          Christian apologists are talking about these guys as if they are the Disciples. What do they have to do with Manziel? There are more Manziel’s out there, being shaped and polish by guys of the Sanders/Irvin ilk. Posing as “role models,” these guys can barely SPELL role model, none of them with a degree. Sanders’ so-called “pastor” Omar Jahwar owes me more than $10,000 for grants I wrote when I was Operations Manager for his church, Faith Memorial, a bastion of immorality in and of itself. More on this in future articles.

Manziel’s Family Has Oil Money!

          Manziel is a bad person from the inside-out. He is no poor ghetto kid selling autographs so his parents can buy a garbage can of beans and rice so they can feed their kids for a month. He’s doesn’t have holes in the bottom of his shoes or go hungry at night after a long study session (of course there is no study session). He’s got money and thinks he’s “big shit.” He didn’t need any money for signing those autographs because, supposedly, he’s a top draft choice for the professional football decision makers. So if he didn’t need the money and he signed them, knowing he wasn’t supposed to, then what else can you call him besides an “asshole”?

          This is the mentality of far too many of these athletes, college and pro. Most of them don’t have a college degree: “I’ll come back and get it later.” Yeah, sure you will; you’re going to get dressed, get in your Corvette and drive to campus so you won’t be late for your basket-weaving class? Bullshit! When you make the pros you’re too tired, too busy and too rich to even think about college classes. Hell, most students are going to these classes so they can get what you’ve got!

          They all know it and that’s why they act the way they do – black AND white. It’s the same money-oriented mentality that motivates MOST Christian ministers (I’ll deal with this in a later column).

          And finally, if the people reading this blog think I’ve slandered anyone in it and, if you’ve got the GUTS, try to sue me and watch what I do. All the stuff I know about Sanders, Jahwar and those athletes I wrote term papers for, will be made even MORE public. Now, as the old folks say: if you feel froggish – LEAP!

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